First Generation
(Tenth From Marcus the Elder)
Johann Friedrich ENGELHORN (parents)was born 17 Jul 1821
in Mannheim. He died 11 Mar1902 in Mannheim, Baden, Germany.
Until age 14 Friedrich attended school in his home town of Mannheim. Because of his father’s property loss and ill fortune, he became an apprentice to the goldsmith and watchmaker Goehring.
After three years of apprenticeship he traveled extensively in Europe. By 1840 he had returned to Mannheim and started his own goldsmith business. He was admitted to the guild on 14 November 1846. Through an Englishman living in the Engelhorn home in 1847 he had an idea to establish a limited partnership to produce and distribute gas with the Gas apparatus company, C.L. Koester and Smyers-Williquet. The enterprise was launched 1 October 1848 in Jungbusch under the name Engelhorn & Co.
The town of Mannheim developed a project for its own municipal gas lighting. In 1851construction of a gas works was transferred to Engelhorn in partnership with gas contractors Spreng and Sonntag of Karlsruhe under the company name of Gas Lighting Company of Baden. Friedrich became the technical manager and head of merchandising for the operation.
It was only a small step from gas production to the manufacture of coal tar dyes. Friedrich wanted to participate in the fabulous success of the new analine dyes now coming into use in Germany. In 1861 Engelhorn joined with Dr. Carl Clemm in association with gas contractor Sonntag and Mannheim merchant Otto Dyckerhoff to establish a corporation for the production of analine and tar dyes; Chemical Manufacturers Dyckerhoff, Clemm and Company of Mannheim. The name was changed in 1863 to Sonntag, Engelhorn, and Clemm.
Three years later, in 1865, a new joint stock company was formed;
Badische Analine und Soda Fabrik, (BASF) with Engelhorn as its first
director, a position he held until 1883. In 1883 he was given the honorary
title of Kommerzienrat of the Kingdom of Bavaria.
Friedrich Engelhorn was a co-founder of the Rheinischen Mortgage Bank, the Rheinischen Credit Bank, and the Mannheim Rubber, Gutapercha and Asbestos Factory. He served on the boards of directors of several companies and was instrumental in the development of several sub-divisions in Mannheim. [Sources for Friedrich and his descendants: Otto Kauffmann in “Alte Mannheimer Familien” 1925, and “Die Familie Engelhorn in Mannheim” by Friedrich Euler, 1986.]
Johann Friedrich married Marie Magdalena BRUSTLING,
daughter of Georg Adam BRUSTLING and Katharina SOHN, on 15 Jun 1847
in Mannheim. Marie was born 26 Sep 1825 in Mannheim. She died 9 Jan
1902 in Mannheim.
They had ten children: (There were two
stillborn children in addition to
the 10 children listed here.)
Bertha married Carl REISS on 19 Aug 1873 in Mannheim. Carl was born 13 Feb 1843 in Mannheim. He died 3 Jan 1914 in Mannheim.
Emma married Heinrich Jakob Felix HUBSCH on 6 May 1874 in Mannheim. Heinrich was born 3 Apr 1840 in Weinheim. He died 24 Mar 1917 in Karlsruhe.
Laura married Konrad Friedrich von HAUSMANN, son of Karl Georg Ernst von HAUSMANN and Anna SOLTMANN, on 22 Jun 1882 in Mannheim. Konrad was born 23 Jan 1853 in Schwedt ad Oder, Germany. He died 20 Mar 1923 in Sinnershausen.
Second Generation
(parents) was born 14 Jun 1848 in Mannheim.
She died 7 Jun 1936 in Munich.
Marie married Leopold Karl SCHILLING von CANSTATT, son of Wilhelm Heinrich SCHILLING von CANSTATT and Auguste NEUBRONN Von EISENBURG, on 17 Oct 1867 in Mannheim. Leopold was born 8 Dec 1838 in Karlsruhe. He died 24 Mar 1897 in Berlin.
They had six children:
3. Anna Maria Magdalena ENGELHORN
(parents) was born 27 Jul 1849
in Mannheim. She died 24 May 1915 in Heidelberg.
Anna married Peter Karl Eduard ZIEGLER on 17 Jul 1867 in Mannheim. Peter was born 30 Apr 1839 in Karlsruhe. He died 16 May 1890 in Saarburg, Lothringen, Germany.
They had five children:
Karl married Kathe PETERSEN on 15 Dec 1902 in Hamburg. Kathe was born 27 Dec 1870 in Hamburg,. She died about 1945.
Emma married Fritz RODENBURG on 19 Jun 1894 in Baden-Baden, Germany. Fritz was born 23 Jun 1866 in Bremerhaven. He died 29 Mar 1913 in Schleswig, Germany.
(parents) was born 12 Sep 1851 in Mannheim.
She died 3 Nov 1878 in Mannheim.
Bertha married Carl REISS on 19 Aug 1873 in Mannheim. Carl was born 13 Feb 1843 in Mannheim. He died 3 Jan 1914 in Mannheim.
(parents) was born 4 Jan 1853 in Mannheim.
She died 21 Nov 1920 in Heidelberg.
Elise married Eugen Wilhelm Von GIENANTH on 4 May 1872 in Mannheim. Eugen was born 18 Sep 1846 in Hochstein, Pfalz. He died 2 Jun 1893 in Eisenberg, Pfalz.
They had seven children:
Karl married Baroness Frede VARNBUELER on 21 Mar 1902 in Schloss Hemminge, Germany. Frede was born 8 Dec 1877 in Schloss Hofingen, Wurttemberg. She died 13 Nov 1959 in Eisenberg.
Ilma married Baron Ernst Wilhelm Carl Maria Von HOININGEN on 16 Jul 1895 in Eisenberg. Ernst was born 23 Sep 1849 in Unkel a Rhein, Germany. He died 11 Mar 1924 in Darmstadt.
Martha married Baron Otto Johann Von WOLFSKEEL on 16 Aug 1909 in Eisenberg. Otto was born 26 Aug 1858 in Wurzburg. He died 5 Oct 1927 in Eisenberg.
Walter married Donna Laetitia Silvia GIULINI DI GIULINO, daughter of Paul GIULINI and Fanny CLEMM, on 15 Oct 1917 in Heidelberg. Donna was born 4 Oct 1893 in Mannheim. She died 25 Mar 1966 in Mannheim.
Hertha married Baron Alfred Erwin Ludwig Von GAISBERG on 4 Jan 1922 in Heidelberg, , Baden, Germany. Alfred was born 3 Oct 1872 in Tuttlingen, Germany. He died 14 Mar 1941 in Heidelberg.
(parents) was born 16 Mar 1854 in Mannheim.
She died 4 Apr 1911 in Karlsruhe.
Emma married Heinrich Jakob Felix HUBSCH on 6 May 1874 in Mannheim. Heinrich was born 3 Apr 1840 in Weinheim, Germany. He died 24 Mar 1917 in Karlsruhe.
7. Johann Friedrich August ENGELHORN Jr.
(parents) was born 23
Nov 1855 in Mannheim. He died 3 Jan 1911 in Mannheim.
Friedrich Jr. studied chemistry, obtaining a PhD. Joined the firm of C.F. Boehringer & Sohne in late 1883 as a partner and joint operator. The firm, founded in 1859 in Stuttgart, was a quinine-alkaloid factory, relocated to Mannheim in 1870. Freidrich became the sole owner after the death of his cousin, Ernst Boehringer in 1892. He expanded the factory to include many products besides quinine-alkaloids. He also founded Dynamidonwerk Engelhorn & co. G.m.B.H. in Mannheim-Waldorf.
He took a paternal interest in his employess and workers, a man of genuine liberal sentiment and justice. He was on the board of the Rheinsche Credit Bank, Rheinische Mortgage Bank, Mannheim India-Rubber, Gutapercha and Asbestos Factory, Consolidated Alkali Works of Westeregeln, Badische Society of Sugar Manufacturers in Wagausel, and others. He was president of the Employers Associatioin of Mannheim; General Workmen Association in Mannheim-Ludwigshafen; alternate judge in a commercial court; and member of the Mannheim Board of Trade. Also, since 1902 he was a member of the citizens committee of Mannheim as a member of the natioinal liberal parliamentary group.
Johann married Marie Friederike JOERGER on 26 Sep 1885 in Mannheim. Marie was born 7 May 1866 in Mannheim. She died 13 Dec 1953 in Feldafing,.
They had four children:
(parents) was born 28 Dec 1856 in Mannheim.
He died 7 Sep 1944 in Baden-Baden.
Robert was a painter, artist, and a professor in Baden-Baden. He studied at the Karlsuhe Academy under Hildenbrandt and then studied under Lefevre in Paris. He was recognized in Baden-Baden for his organization of the artistic life in that spa city.
Robert married (1) Amanda NOETLING, daughter of Ernst NOETLING and Luise HOFF, on 14 Mar 1890 in Mannheim. Amanda was born 14 Jan 1859 in Mannheim. She died 27 Feb 1893 in Munich.
Robert also married (2) Luise NOETLING, Amanda’s sister, on 24 Sep 1894 in Mannheim. Luise was born 17 Jul 1860 in Mannheim. She died 18 Aug 1926 in Baden-Baden.
They had four children:
Anna married (1) Emil MERTGEN in 1923 in Baden-Baden. Emil died 1936 in Sidney, Australia.
Anna also married (2) Robert CADES in 1942.
(parents) was born 16 Jan 1858 in Mannheim.
She died 15 Jul 1946 in Hemsendorf, Sachsen, Germany.
Martha married Hans Karl Georg SCHMIGE, son of Johann Christoph SCHMIGE and Maria Henriette Von SPANGENBERG, on 7 Jun 1879 in Mannheim. Hans was born 1 Apr 1852 in Waldenburg, Germany. He died 14 Feb 1913 in Wiesbaden.
They had the following children:
Lilli married Otto BERNDT on 14 Jun 1915 in Berlin. Otto was born 16 Jan 1881.
10. Ludwig Louis ENGELHORN
(parents) was born 12 Aug 1859 in
Mannheim. He died 4 Sep 1930 in New York, Kings County, New York.
Ludwig married Mary (Margaret?) EGAN about 1898-99 in New York. Mary was born about 1875 in New York. She died in 1935.
They had five children:
11. Laura Marie Antoinette ENGELHORN
(parents) was born 1 Sep
1861 in Mannheim. She died 6 Sep 1955 in Sinnershausen, Wausungen, Germany.
Laura married Konrad Friedrich Von HAUSMANN, son of Karl Georg Ernst Von HAUSMANN and Anna SOLTMANN, on 22 Jun 1882 in Mannheim. Konrad was born 23 Jan 1853 in Schwedt ad Oder, Germany. He died 20 Mar 1923 in Sinnershausen.
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