Known as Martin, Johann Martin emigrated to America with two aunts, an uncle and a brother, arriving at New Orleans on the ship “Tirrell” on 18 May, 1852. The 1860 Iowa census lists him as a day laborer in the town of Lansing. Martin Engelhorn was among those taking land in French Creek Township soon after the first settlers came in 1851-1854. French Creek Township was not organized until 1856 with a population of 278. He applied for citizenship on 24 May 1859, but did not receive his final papers until 16 June 1873.
According to Lansing, Iowa, newspapers he was a quite well-known and well-liked citizen of Lansing who took part in civic affairs until he went to La Crosse in August of 1883. While in Lansing, Martin worked for the Bockfinger and Boeckemeier Wagon Works, (established 1860) who shipped wagons out by the carload. (In 1882 the wagon works employed 30 men and did $50,000 worth of business annually.) He quit this company in June 1883 after “12 or 15" years and in August went to La Crosse to work for Millers Threshing Works. In October of 1883 the Lansing Mirror reported he was running a “beverage bower” (saloon) on Pearl Street in La Crosse.
In 1870, Martin and others had charge of firing the cannon, “Lady Grant”, for the Fourth of July celebration. Martin nearly lost one hand in the premature accidental discharge of the cannon. According to newspaper reports he was still suffering from severe bleeding as late as August 3.
In the Waukon Democrat of 4 March, 1891: Martin was in town for the past few weeks soliciting subscribers for the “Volks-freund” a new German Democratic paper. He was a charter member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen (A.O.U.W), a fraternal secret insurance order, holding a succession of offices: Outside Warden, Financier, Trustee, Master Warden and General Foreman. He was a member of the Lansing Fire Police and a member of the Verein German singing society.
John Martin took his own life, “discouraged over the reverses in life's battle” on 14 January, 1899, by hanging himself in a horse shed belonging to the Fred Kroner Hardware Company in La Crosse. He was apparently despondent from not being able to keep a job and earlier losses of his son and two wives. He had last been seen the previous evening at the saloon of Ferdinand Schwartz on South Third Street where his last employment had been as a bartender, although he had been out of work for some time.
Martin married (1) Margarett ZACK on 9 Dec 1856 in Allamakee county, Iowa. Margarett was born about 1838. She died about 1859 in Lansing and was buried in Lansing.
They had one child:
Phillip was working in Minneapolis when he contracted typhoid fever. He was 22 years 6 months old when he died.
Martin also married (2) Catherine HOFFMAN on 19 Nov 1859 in Lansing, Iowa. Catherine was born 13 Aug 1836 in Lauf, Bavaria, Germany. She died 8 Nov 1882 in La Crosse, Wisconsin and was buried 10 Nov 1882 in Lansing Ridge Cemetery, Allamakee county, Iowa. Before her death she had been suffering with some disease “of a dropsical nature” and was taken to La Crosse for treatment and died there.
They had one child:

Katherine probably attained about a fourth grade education. She and John lived in an apartment above her father's saloon in La Crosse. The family was in Waukon, Iowa, after about 1890 until sometime after 1895. The 1900 census for La Crosse indicates Katie had divorced John by then and she was enumerated with her children at a boarding house run by Peter P. Hill.
The 1920 census shows Marie and Herman living at home with their mother in La Crosse. Marie was a saleslady in a department store and Herman was employed as a checker at a freight depot.
Katie married John Peter DELPHENICH, son of Anton DELPHENICH and Petronella SCHNICKLES, on 15 Aug 1885 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The marriage ended in divorce. John was born 25 Jan 1861 in Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. He died 16 Apr 1938 in Dubuque, Iowa and was buried 18 Apr 1938 in Dubuque.
John Delphenich was a harness maker in Waukon and later in La Crosse, Wisconsin. According to a cousin, he was capable but was an alcoholic. Family legend, according to Richard Steinborn, says that Martin Engelhorn, his father-in-law, was a factor in John's drinking problem. While living in an apartment above Martin's saloon, temptation was too close.
By 1900 John and Katie were divorced and he lived in a hotel in La Crosse run by a Frank Koblitz. In 1921 he had a shoe repair shop in Houston, Minnesota. He moved to Dubuque in March of 1924 to make his home at St. Francis Home.
John was a lifelong member of the Catholic Church and belonged to the Third Order of St. Francis.
They had six children:
Clara attended the La Crosse schools through about the fourth grade and worked for a time as a domestic servant. She later worked for a large bakery company and cracker manufacturer. After her marriage to Michael Steinborn her activities were centered around her home and children. In about 1941 she became an alteration seamstress for a ladies ready-to-wear store.
Clara married Michael STEINBORN, son of Casimer STEINBORN and Anna BERENS, on 5 Apr 1910 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Michael was born 17 Apr 1881 in Cashton, Wisconsin. He died 22 Dec 1932 in La Crosse.
Michael grew up on the family farm near Sparta, Wisconsin. He tired of farm life early and went to La Crosse to seek employment and found a job in the bottle house at Gund's brewery in La Crosse. He was later employed by the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad as a freight car checker, making sure the first goods to be unloaded were the last ones to be put in the car. Michael worked the 3 p.m. to midnight shift and since the buses stopped at 10 p.m. he rode a bicycle to and from work. In the night of 22 December, 1932, he was run down and killed by some drunken youths in a car while on his way home from work.
They had two children:
Ruth graduated from La Crosse High School in 1928, studying in commercial classes, typing, short hand; what her brother called “the commercial route.” She went to work right after graduation as a stenographer at Peoples Ice and Fuel Co. in La Crosse until she married Alder Hogan. Married women did not work outside the home in those days.
She married Alder HOGAN on 18 Sep 1940 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Alder was born 15 Feb 1904 in La Crosse. He died 10 Apr 1969 in La Crosse.
Alder graduated from La Crosse High School. His father got him a job as a part time bell hop at the Stoddard Hotel while he was still in school and after graduation he worked there full time. His father was the head maintainence man at the hotel. Alder worked his way up to be assistant manager. He finally tired of the hotel business and he and Ruth bought a small neighborhood grocery store. It was a “Mom and Pop” operation and proved to be a financial disaster. After that experience he went back to the hotel business, moving to Milwaukee for several years. The owner of the Stoddard Hotel was by then getting on in years and he offered Alder the job of manager, which he took, moving back to La Crosse. Alder retired on his 65th birthday and died two months later from his one and only heart attack.
Richard graduated from La Crosse High School in 1940 and worked in a drug store after school. He entered La Crosse State Teachers College in 1941 and continued drug store work to pay for his schooling. In 1942 he transferred to the University of Wisconsin where he studied Pharmacy. Richard graduated as an Engineering Leutenant from West Point in 1947. In 1953 he obtained his Masters Degree in Civil Engineering from MIT.
During his military career with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Richard advanced to the rank of Colonel and was posted to: Guam; Sandia Base, New Mexico, Kileen Base, Texas; Fort Belvoir, Virginia; Korea; Fort Ord, California; Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; West Point; LaVorno, Italy; Fort Hood, Texas; Admiral's Staff, CINCPAC, Hawaii; Vietnam; Terre Haute, Indiana and finally to NORAD Headquarters, Colorado Springs where he was resident civil engineer.
Richard retired from military service in 1975 and he and Mildred lived in retirement in Colorado Springs.
Richard married Mildred Virginia MASSE, daughter of Joseph MASSE and Rose Mary O'NEILL, on 21 Oct 1950 in West Point, New York. Mildred was born 12 Sep 1926 in New Providence, Rhode Island. She died 31 Jul 1997 in Colorado Springs, Colorado and was buried 6 Aug 1997 in Colorado Springs.
Antonette was known as “Nettie” or “Nett.” She was secretary at Rosenberg's Department Store. She was also active in Catholic organizations and in Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital activities. She was a member of St. Eugene's Cathedral and the Altar Society.
Antonette married Joseph Edward MCNEANY, son of Edward MCNEANY and Mary FARNHAM, on 28 Apr 1914 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Joseph was born 18 Sep 1889 in Rockford, Illinois. He died 26 Apr 1979 in Santa Rosa, California and was buried 28 Apr 1979 in Santa Rosa.
Joseph came to La Crosse with his father who was transferred with the John Deere Company. Joseph worked in a department store in La Crosse by day and as a set changer at the theater at night. He also had a job with Railway Express Company. He managed to save his money so that he could buy a small bankrupt dry goods store in Merengo, Wisconsin, which he built up and sold at a nice profit within six months.
With the profits he and Nett bought another store in Rockford, Wisconsin. They built up the baseness and sold it in about 1919-1920 and moved to Fond du Lac where they bought the Hill Brothers Department Store in 1922 which they operated until 1947 when the 90 year old business was destroyed by fire. In 1951 he purchased Rosenberg's in Santa Rosa, California, for $1.5 million. After modernizing the three-story store it was merged in 1966 with Aldens Inc., a Chicago-based mail order and retail sales subsidiary of Gambel-Skogmo. Under terms of the agreement, McNeany stayed on as a consultant and his son, William, became vice president and general manager of Rosenberg's.
McNeany was a member of the Santa Rosa Rotary Club, served on the board of directors of the Hanna Boys Center in Sonoma Valley, was a director of the California Retailers Association and was active in the Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Development Association.
They had four children:
Joseph grew up in Fund du Lac, Wisconsin, and worked in the family department store business. He graduated from Georgetown University, Washington D.C. in 1938. During World War II he served as a civilian at Kirkland/Sandia Bases with the Air Force and U.S. Engineers. In 1947 he graduated from Arizona Law College at Tucson, and began a long private law practice in Albuquerque. He served a term as Bernalillo County commission chairman and as assistant U.S. Attorney. He was with the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. as a chief Trial attorney.
Joseph was a member of Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Albuquerque.
Joseph married Jane LANGE on 14 Oct 1939 in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Jane was born 25 Mar 1917 in Fond du Lac. She died 1974 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Stuart married Jane MICKELJON in 1948.
Marion married George TIDMARSH on 24 Jun 1944 in New York, New York. George was born 11 Feb 1923.
William married Mary DONOVAN on 4 Aug 1951 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mary was born 2 Oct 1927.
Agnes attended the La Crosse schools and worked as a clerk in Doerflinger's Department Store [photo]. She married Walter F. Munson, a traveling dry goods salesman. He was laid off during the depression in 1932 so they left La Crosse for Tomah, Wisconsin, where there was a small dry goods store for sale at a depressed price, which they bought, “for a song.” They sold that store in the 1950s and moved to River Falls, Wisconsin, where they bought another store. In the 1960s they sold out and moved to St. Paul, Minnesota, to retire.
Agnes married Walter Freeman MUNSON on 19 Sep 1917 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Walter was born 1888. He died 5 Feb 1964 in St. Paul, Minnesota.
They had three children:
Shirley married Roger GRIFFITHS on 8 Jan 1952.
Janice married James WAHL.
Marilyn married Norbert BERG.
Ruth was schooled in the La Crosse public schools and worked for Doerflinger's Department store. She later had a job which involved travelling and met Arthur Stade in Minneapolis where he was a hotel clerk. Eventually he became manager of the Andrews Hotel in Minneapolis.
Ruth married Arthur STADE on 27 May 1925. Arthur was born 22 Jan 1894. He died 4 Oct 1960 in North Dakota.
They had one child:
Arthur did not marry. He attended St. John's University in Collegeville, Minnnesota. He lived in San Juan Capistrano, California.
Marie attended school in La Crosse and worked for a time at Doerflinger's Department store. She married John Donndelinger who was employed by a Swift & Company meat packing plant. John came from a very devout Catholic family; three of his sisters were Catholic Nuns.
Family legend says that Marie died of asphyxiation one night when the pilot light went out on the kitchen stove. Her motherless daughters were then raised by their Donndelinger grandparents and as soon as they were the proper age were put into the convent with their Nun aunts.
Marie married John DONNDELINGER on 16 Apr 1920. John was born about 15 Feb 1895 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He died 29 Jan 1953 in New Trier, Minnesota.
They had two children:
Sister Lenore, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, was a member of the Eastern Region and in the 46th year of her religious profession. She entered St. Rose Convent in August 1936 and taught in Community-staffed elementary schools in Iowa and Wisconsin for 36 years, including 22 years as a special education teacher at St. Michael's in La Crosse.
Eugenia was married for about two years to a man named FENTY. She died in childbirth; the baby was stillborn.
Herman attended the La Crosse public schools and was employed as a timekeeper for construction work at Camp McCoy Army base, Wisconsin, later Fort McCoy. He later worked for 41 years for the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad as ticket agent, office clerk and manager. He was a member of several Masonic organizations.
Herman married Hulda LUNDE, daughter of Ole J. LUNDE and Matilda HOFF, on 11 Nov 1920 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Hulda was born 8 Oct 1900 in La Crosse. She died 22 Sep 1966 in La Crosse and was buried 26 Sep 1966 in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
They had two children:
Robert married (1) Claire KAMPSCHROER, daughter of John Joseph KAMPSCHROER and Martha MACHUNZE, on 22 Jan 1945. The marriage ended in divorce. Claire was born 17 May 1922 in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Robert also married (2) Elizabeth BONIFACE “Bonnie” in 1956. The marriage ended in divorce.
Cathryn married Russell P. HEFTI on 17 Apr 1943 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. He was born 17 Jul 1920 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. He died in Columbus, Ohio.