was commonly known to his descendants and relatives as "Old Matt."
Mathias received the equivalent of an American high school education, attending 14 years of school in Germany. At about age 18 he left Germany to avoid compulsory military service and emigrated to the United States in 1852. It is believed by some that he first went to England as a stowaway and then came to Allamakee county, Iowa by way of New York and Ohio. Mathias' father and the rest of the family came to Allamakee county in 1853 and probably arrived there about the same time as did Mathias. Grandson Frank R. said that Mathias stayed with cousins in New York State near Utica when he came to America. (We do not know who these cousins might have been. Relatives of his mother?) Mathias applied for U.S. citizenship in Allamakee county on the 6th of October, 1856. Mathias served in the Civil War from 1861 to 1866 as a corporal in Co. B, 12th Infantry, Iowa Volunteers.
The 12th Regiment was organized at Camp Union in Dubuque and mustered into service on 25 November, 1861. They first saw action under General Grant with the force that caused the evacuation of Ft. Henry. In the first day of fighting at Shiloh, 6 April, 1862, they were surrounded and forced to surrender. About 400, including Mathias, were captured and were forced to spend six months in Rebel prisons. After release Mathias was promoted to the rank of Seventh Corporal on 1 March 1863. He re-enlisted and was re-mustered 5 Jan 1864. Promoted to Fourth Corporal 1 March 1865, Second Corporal 1 June 1865.
(At Shiloh on 6 April, 1862, the five divisions of General Grant's army numbered 39,830 officers and men present for duty. Of these, 10,640, about 27%, were killed, wounded or missing. The Confederates had 43,968 officers and men present for duty and lost 10,699 killed, wounded or missing. When the battle ended more than 20,000 soldiers were dead or wounded on the field. More Iowa soldiers were killed and wounded at Shiloh, 2,407, than at any other battle of the war. Fifty-six men from Allamakee County were lost in that battle.)
(One wonders, if Mathias left Germany to avoid military service, why did he enlist for military service in America's Civil War? Perhaps having just left a country still divided, the German immigrants especially wished for a united and stable country. It was also said that the German immigrants, generally, had an abiding hatred of slavery.)
Mathias' brother, Johann Konrad, served with the Union Cavalry while another brother, Johann Thomas, was in the Union Navy, serving on the Ohio River. Their cousin, Julius Jakob, served with the Confederacy.
After the war Mathias owned a cigar factory and operated a cigar, tobacco and liquor store in Lansing in partnership with a man named Simons. According to an article in the Lansing Mirror of 18 June, 1872, Matt's store and cigar factory were destroyed in a fire the previous Friday. There was $600 insurance on the building and $1300 on the general stock. Arson was suspected because fresh shavings were found piled up between some boxes and the side of the building. "Who the wretch is cannot be ascertained." Matt posted notices in the paper during the next three months requesting that those who knew they owed him to come in and pay up.
Perhaps as a result of his losses in the fire Matt decided to quit Lansing and purchase a farm in Monona, Clayton County, Iowa. In 1875 he moved to Osborne County, Kansas where he took a homestead in NW 1/4 Section 12, Twp 8S, Range 12 W, Hancock township.
After Doretta died in 1881, he sold his 160 acre homestead in April of 1882 for $950 and moved his family by wagon over the Oregon Trail to Joseph, Oregon. They settled on Hurricane Creek where they built a log cabin on the farm that was later to become known as the Charles Crow Place. BLM records show a purchase by Mathias in 11 July 1889 of Twp 2S Range 44E Sections 23 and 24 in Wallowa County Oregon.
1896 he moved again, to Pullman, Washington. About 1900 he went to Mohler,
Idaho in Nez Perce County, where he lived with his daughter, Sophia.
In those days Mohler was a town with great expectations in the dry land
farm area on the Camas Prairie just a few miles from the present towns
of Craigmont and Nes Pearce, Idaho. The railroad was anticipated to
be built through Mohler, but that did not happen. In 2013 there is nothing
left but a sign along the side of the highway.
In 1910 he was in Santa Cruz, California and, finally, in Los Molinos, California. In November 1920, Mathias deeded his Santa Cruz property to his daughter, Sophia, being lot 38 of the Blackburn Tract.
Family legend, according to daughter Augusta, says that when Mathias left Kansas for Oregon after his wife died, he left his children with a friend. He took up gambling and won a farm near Joseph, Oregon in a card game and that is why he went to Oregon. At Three Islands Crossing over the Snake River in Idaho someone in their group caught a sturgeon big enough to feed the whole party. As interesting as the story is, a more likely version is that Mathias went to Oregon because that is where Doretta's parents were, and the children could be left with their grandparents while Mathias became established.
had dark brown or black hair, mixed with white, it never went completely
gray. At age 93 his hair was still thick and his hands hardly showed
his age. Mathias was an interesting and interested man, devoted to his
children but often critical of them. He was keen, alert, and an avid
gardener. He liked to read.
that Mathias and his descendants spelled their name EngLEhorn because
that is the way it was spelled on his army discharge papers and he felt
it best to leave it that way.
Mathias married Doretta BECKER, daughter of Ludwig BECKER and Doretta, on 8 Mar 1866 in Lansing, Iowa. Doretta was born 1843 in Prussia, Germany. She died 21 Jun 1881 in Osborne County, Kasas.
Doretta's death was apparently due to a sudden heart attack.
They had six children:

Sophia did not marry. In 1900 she and her father were living in Nez Perce County, Idaho. In 1920 she was living with her father in Santa Cruz, California and was given his town lot and property by Deed of Gift.
known as Frank, attended Washington State College for four years but
did not graduate. He was asked by the faculty to stay on and become
a teacher, but he needed a few more credits in social science courses,
subjects which did not interest him, so he dropped out and went to work.
In 1912 he moved his family to Los Molinos Colony, California from Nez Perce, Idaho. For a number of years he farmed part time and spent the summers in Alaska where he was employed as an electrical engineer on a gold dredge.
While he lived in Los Molinos, Frank worked throughout the Pacific Northwest as an electrical engineer and machinist, installing electrical power plants. He worked on the Swan Falls power plant near Kuna, Idaho and the Horseshoe Dam project. In about 1915-1916 he moved to Alaska and lived in a log cabin in what is now downtown Anchorage while he worked at Cache Creek operating a hydroelectric power plant for a gold dredge.
By 1947 he had retired and was just working his 20 acre ranch near Los Molinos, California. His death was the result of a fall from the rafters in his barn to the concrete floor.
Frank was a member Palm Rebekah Lodge #2501, I.O.O.F., Corning, California.
Frank married Mabel Della HALL, daughter of Anah Mathers HALL and Mary J MASTERS (previously incorrectly listed here as MARTUS), on 19 Jun 1901 in Wallowa County, Oregon. Mabel was born 18 Jul 1872 in Nevada, Iowa. She died 18 Mar 1958 in Los Molinos, California and was buried 22 Mar 1958 in Los Molinos.
When her children started school, Mabel decided to change the spelling of her married name to EngELhorn, so Frank found that his name was EngLEhorn but his children were named EngELhorn.
They had four children:
moved to Los Molinos, California with his family in 1912.
He completed grammar school and one year of high school
and attended Los Molinos Vocational School. He was employed
as a welder with Western Pipe and Steel Company in San Francisco
until joining the Army, but had done some mine work in Alaska
prior to the war. Forrest was inducted into the U.S. Army
Air Corps on 6 Jun 1942 at San Francisco. He attended Air
Mechanics School was a crew chief and advanced to the rank
of Tech Sgt. He served in air offensives at Normandy, northern
France and the Rhineland with the 641st Bomb Squadron and
was awarded European, African, and Middle Eastern Campaign
Medals, a Good Conduct Medal and the Bronze Star. He was
discharged from service on 1 August 1945.
After the war he continued mining activities in Alaska, working as a mechanic to provide money for gold prospecting. Forrest never married.
In 1975 he retired from gold mining and returned to Los Molinos where he lived with his sister Edith. He was a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 3909; I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 76, Red Bluff; and was active in the Los Molinos Senior Citizens Center.
His cousin Frank Englehorn said that Forrest was a typical old sourdough, but very clean and cheerful.

Orville was a mechanic and Caterpillar tractor operator. He worked to finance his gold prospecting ventures in Alaska. Orville was never married. He enlisted in the Coast Guard on 19 June 1942 as Motorman Machinists Mate, 2nd Class, at Los Angeles and was discharged 8 March 1946. He was awarded a Coast Guard Good Conduct Medal and World War II Victory Ribbons.

Louis was about six years old when his family moved from Kansas to Oregon. After his marriage lived in Mohler, Idaho. The family moved to Asotin about 1912 and in 1925 moved to Arena Valley, Washington, where Louis farmed until moving again to Fruitland, Idaho in 1937.
He farmed most of his life and had a small dairy operation west of Wilder which he operated with his son Frank.
Bill married Anni Belle THOMPSON on 10 Feb 1904 in Mohler, Idaho. Anni was the daughter of Robert H THOMPSON and Ella A. ELLIOTT. Robert and Ella had a farm near Mohler. Anni was born 10 Apr 1883 in Boone, Iowa. She died 20 May 1965 in Ontario, Oregon and was buried 24 May 1965 in Payette, Idaho.
photo to the left shows four generations in 1962. From the left, Rob
(infant), Loyd, Ralph (Lefty), and Louis.
They had four children:
Clara never married. In 1960 she was working in Anchorage, Alaska as a purchasing agent for the U.S. Air Force. She also worked for the Air Force in Indiana, and in Seattle for the Navy before going to Alaska. In 1962 she was in Great Falls, Montana, as a purchasing agent for the U.S. Government. Clara advanced to about as high as one could go as a civilian with the Air Force.
Clara enjoyed her beer and she loved to eat. She would not drive anything but a German car after they became available in the United States. Her nieces and nephews thought of her as "a real German."
Louis has always been known as "Bill." his father called him Bill because he didn't want his kid to be known as Louis Junior.
Bill's family moved to Arena Valley in the Wilder, Idaho, area in 1925. They lived there until moving to Fruitland in 1937.
Bill attended school through the eighth grade. He was a natural mechanic. He served in World War II in England, France, and Belgium in the Corps of Engineers and was a bulldozer operator when the war ended in May of 1945. He was then shipped through the Panama Canal to the Philippines after a couple of months in France. He arrived in Manila in September after the war ended there, "one step behind the Red Cross Girls" and was shipped to Japan with the occupation forces.
After his return to the States in 1946 he went to work for General Motors until 1960 when he went to work for a Volkswagen dealer in Ontario, Oregon. The dealership was moved to Caldwell, Idaho and Bill decided to stay in Fruitland. He opened his own shop in Fruitland and the VW dealer said he would make sure Bill would not be able to get parts nor service his old customers. A friend of Bill's managed to sneak a copy of the customer list for Bill and he operated a successful Volkswagen repair and salvage shop for many years.
Uncle Bill married Claire WILLIAMS, daughter of Richard Henry WILLIAMS and Abigail Jane HICKOX, on 28 Sep 1947 in Payette, Idaho. Claire was born 31 Oct 1922 in Fruitland, Idaho.
Clair was a young widow with three young children when they were married. Bill did not adopt them but treated them as though they were his own.
came to Joseph, Oregon, as a child with her father and brothers and
sisters. She moved to Wallowa in 1892 and to Craigmont in 1898. She
and Rolla were schoolmates.
Hulda married Rolla Lee MAHON, son of William T. MAHON and Sophie CONLEY, on 20 Nov 1899 in Asotin, Washington. Rolla was born 29 Mar 1875 in La Cygne, Kansas. He died 7 Dec 1947 in Lewiston, Idaho and was buried 13 Dec 1947 in Lewiston.
The Mahon family came west in 1888 and homesteaded on upper Alder Slope near Colfax, Washington.
Rolla left home about 1898. After he and Hulda were married they bought a homestead south of Ilo, now Craigmont, Idaho. About 1905 they moved to Mohler, Idaho where the Englehorns had homesteaded 160 acres. Rolla bought 80 acres from Sophia Englehorn, Hulda's sister. As a young man Rolla put in several summers herding sheep in the mountains.
Rolla engaged in farming and gardening until his health failed. He was a member of the Community Church in the Orchards, a member of the Lewiston grange and Odd Fellows Lodge.
The Mahon name was originally MacMahon or McMahon. One of the ancestors courted a Dutch girl whose father was opposed to anyone with Irish connections so to gain favor and deceive the father the "Mac" or "Mc" was dropped.
They had one child:
was known all her life as "Gussie."
According to her grand daughter, Joan Crow Lathrop, Gussie's sister helped raise her after her mother died. Gussie had a hard time keeping warm walking to school. They baked potatoes on the fireplace, and she put hot potatoes in her pockets to keep her hands warm. She would eat the potatoes for lunch at school.
Augusta attended school on Hurricane Creek and later at an academy in Pullman, Washington. After her marriage to Mark Crow in 1899, she returned to Hurricane Creek near the Victor Crow farm until 1903. They then moved to Salem to live until 1908 when they returned to Wallowa County, living at Lostine.
Augusta took an active part in many civic projects, she was a member of the Lostine Presbyterian Church where she was Sunday School Superintendent for many years as well as a teacher of a class for young people. She was a Past Worthy Matron of Anthony Chapter No.88 OES since 1914, having joined the chapter in 1909. She was also a member of the Lostine Rebekah Lodge, Grange, and the Wallowa County Pioneer Association. She took an active part in the Garden Club and her garden reflected her love for and interest in flowers.
Gussie married Samuel Martin CROW "Mark", son of William Umphery CROW and Susan Minerva COOLEY, on 15 Oct 1899 in Wallowa, Oregon. Mark was born 17 Jul 1873 in Noble County, Ohio. He died 7 Jan 1968 in Enterprise, Oregon and was buried in Lostine, Oregon.
Mark taught school and farmed in Wallowa County and for many years he was the owner and operator of the cold storage and locker plant at Lostine, Oregon.
He was a member of the Lostine Presbyterian Church and of Lostine Lodge 123 AF&AM, receiving his Masonic Apron in July of 1968. In 1968 Mark was honored for 70 years service in the Masonic Lodge and presented with a special apron, symbolic of the creed of the Lodge. He served his Lodge as Master in the years 1912, 1915, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1958 and 1959. Very few Masons have received 70 year recognition.
They had four children:
married Fred William OBERMILLER, son of Isador OBERMILLER
and Louisa SHUHMANN, about 6 Jan 1924 in Seattle, Washington. Fred was
born 20 Feb 1894 in Albany, Minnesota. He died 26 Apr 1973 in Chico,
California and was buried 28 Apr 1973 in Chico.
Fred was born and raised in Albany, Minnesota, where he attended grammar school. He later moved to Valley, Washington, where an older half-sister and her family and other relatives had settled. In the Valley area he was employed in the lumber business. He later went to Alaska and mined for gold near Juneau and Fairbanks. He enlisted in the Army for World War I on 6 December 1917 at Chilkoot Barracks, Fort Seward, Alaska and was sent to France with a lumbering, engineering, and demolition group. Fred was honorably discharged 20 June 1919 at Camp Dodge, Iowa.
After the war he returned to Alaska. In 1925 he worked in the car shops for the Alaska Railroad in Anchorage. Later and for the rest of his life Fred held various jobs: winch man, dredge master, and camp superintendent with gold dredging operations. For a time he was dredge master and superintendent for N.E. Patty Company on the Yukon River. Fred's last employment, for 35 years, was as a winch man with New York-Alaska Dredging Company.
Fred moved his family to Chico, California in 1937 but he continued to commute to Alaska from California except during World War II when he worked in the San Francisco Bay area as a foreman installing equipment for a firm building dry docks. After the war he resumed commuting to Alaska until 1955 when he retired. Throughout all this time Fred kept up his membership in the Anchorage Elks Club, receiving his 50-year pin in 1973.
They had three children:
As a boy, Leo lived in a three room house in Fox, Alaska, about 12 miles from Fairbanks where his father was working on a gold dredge. The house had been built originally to be the school, with a small kitchen and bedroom for the teacher's living quarters. People living in the area moved away so there were no more children for the school. Leo attended school in Fairbanks.
He joined the Army for World War II at Chico, California after two years at Chico State University. After the war he returned to Alaska and graduated from the University of Alaska. Fred spent his working years as a civil engineer in Alaska.
Leo married Virginia JENKINS on 5 Aug 1949 in Chico, California. Virginia was born 19 Sep 1931 in Newberg, Oregon.
Evelyn married William C. BOCAST, son of William BOCAST and Jenny CUPERUS, on 4 Feb 1951 in Chico, California.
William was born 6 Sep 1927 in Pasco, Washington.
Dorothy worked for Bank of America for over 30 years and retired in 1992. She was active in the Pilot Club organization.
Dorothy married Jefferson BRADLEY on 25 Jul 1954 in Reno, Nevada. Jefferson was born 11 Dec 1936 in Phoenix, Arizona.
"Freddie" graduated from Notre Dame Grammar School in Chico, and Chico High School. He obtained his BSc and MA degrees at Chico State College, California. Following graduation he taught at El Dorado High School in Placerville, Quincy Junior and Senior High School, and from 1969 until retiring in 1999, at College of the Siskiyous where he taught business, economics and computer applications.
Fred is a member of California Teachers Association, National Education Association, California Community College Administrators of Occupational Education, California Business Education Association, and National Business Education Association.
Freddie married Beverly Lee PARADISE, daughter of Leonard PARADISE and Mary SARGENT, on 28 Dec 1963 in Chico, California. Beverly was born 5 Mar 1939 in Portland, Maine.
Beverly graduated from Chico State College with a bachelor's degree in nursing. She retired after 32 years in nursing, but spent the last 18 years working in nursing with the Siskiyou County Office of Education.
moved with her family sometime after 1910 to Los Molinos, California.
She lived and attended elementary school in Santa Cruz, California where
she lived with relatives, possibly her grandparents. She moved back
to Los Molinos and attended high school there. She graduated from Los
Molinos High School in June 1928. After high school she and a friend
moved to San Francisco where she attended cosmetology school. She received
her cosmetology certificate from the State Board on 31 May 1929. She
was listed in the San Francisco city directories as a beauty operator
in 1930-1933.
Edith married Joseph SCHREMPP, son of Karl SCHREMPP and Franziska SHUMM, on 2 Oct 1932 in San Francisco, California. Joseph was born 26 Oct 1902 in Gengenbach, Germany. He died 19 Aug 1962 in Daly City, California.
Joseph was working as a butcher in San Francisco when he met Edith; they were living in the same boarding house at the time.
By 1936 the family had moved to Gerber, California where Joseph had his own butcher shop and store - the family lived in a house across the street from the shop. A year later they moved just north of Los Molinas across the mill creek from the town. In 1939 they moved back to Gerber into a "ramshackle dump" of a house that used to be a market, according to son Ben. The front room of the house became Edith's beauty parlor and the family quarters were in the back with an outhouse for a toilet. In 1940 Joseph went to work for the railroad. In 1942 they bought a property on the outskirts of Gerber and moved the house there. They subsequently built the house into "a pretty decent place" with indoor plumbing and a large back porch.
Between 1952 and 1954 the family moved to Roseville; the new diesel trains no longer needed a way station in Gerber. In Roseville Joseph worked for the Pacific Fruit Express railroad.
They had two children:
Ben graduated from Los Molinos High School. Ben served in the US Army in the Korean war from February 1952 through May 1954 as a cook. He graduated from San Francisco City College's hotel and restaurant management program. For many years he owned an independent lunch truck and drove a route in San Bruno and South San Francisco. He managed several restaurants in his career including a Zim's, and The Great Electric Underground. He was manager of the first Good Earth restaurant, in Palo Alto. He retired in 1996 from the catering department at the San Francisco Airport Hyatt Hotel. Ben was active as a scout master including forming the first Boy Scout Explorer Television Post which ran operations one night a week for the Pacifica community television station.
Ben married Eileen KOLM, daughter of Leland Bernitt KOLM and Kathleen Mae LEWIS, on 16 Jun 1956 in San Francisco, California. Eileen was born 28 May 1936 in Eureka, California. Eileen was active in Girl Scouts, leading several units over the years.
Eileen attended San Francisco City College where she and Ben met. Eileen worked for Retail Credit Express. After they were married she worked for the Telephone company verifying phone number information as the phone book was compiled.
Ben and Eileen were avid square dancers and long time members of the San Bruno 49ers square dance club. Together they ran the camp kitchen of many scouting outings. They have four children. James (Jim), Michael (Mike), Nancy, and Robert (Bob) Paul.
Frances grew up in Gerber, California, a small railroad town. She is a true "California Prune Picker", having spent several summers in the prune orchards along with other children from town earning spending money. She graduated from Los Molinos High School in 1953. She spent several years at home raising her family and then entered the work force in the secretarial and accounting fields. She worked for 17 years for a major oil company in the San Francisco Bay area.
Francis is semi-retired and has started her own business to provide services to the elderly to help them with there life style; shopping, personal secretary, meal preparation, companion care, etc. One of her hobbies is calligraphy and she has also co-authored and published Hoofin' It in the Bay Area with Eileen and Fran, a book of over 40 walks in the San Francisco Bay area.
Fran married James R. ORPUT on 21 Nov 1953 in Chico, California. The marriage ended in divorce. James was born 15 Oct 1932 in Chico, California.
Frank grew up in Asotin County and graduated from Asotin School in 1925. For the next 12 years he farmed with his parents at Wilder in southwest Idaho. After his marriage the couple moved to Asotin. Without attending college, Frank studied and earned a license as a surveyor and engineer.
He was assistant engineer of Asotin County from 1935 to 1950. He then moved to Ephrata, Washington where he worked for Grant County for 19 years. He was engineer of Douglas County, at Waterville, Washington, when he retired in 1974. Frank was an integral factor in the development of the "Farm to Market" road system that was greatly responsible for the growth and development of of the Columbia Basin Project and Grant County. Many of the benefits enjoyed by the people of Grant County stem from the diligence, forethought and planning during the time Frank was associated with the county.
Frank was a member of the Clarkston Lions Club, the Lewiston Eagles Lodge and the Clarkston United Methodist Church.
Frank married Aletha Mae HAZELTINE, daughter of Pearl HAZELTINE and Lydia ROSS, on 4 Aug 1934 in Lewiston, Idaho. Aletha was born 25 Dec 1913 in Asotin, Washington.
Mae graduated from Eastern Washington College in 1932 and started her teaching career in a one-room school house in rural eastern Washington. She taught all grades, kindergarten through eighth grade, in the course of a 31 year teaching career. She retired in June of 1974 when Frank retired from his county engineering job in Douglas County. She and Frank then moved to Clarkston in Asotin County, Washington.
They had three children:
She attended beauty college in Honolulu, Hawaii, 1959-1960. She was a beauty operator - "hair bender" - from 1961-1985. She then ranched with Robert and was also a real estate broker with her husband. Greta enjoys crocheting, the outdoors and wildlife study.
Greta married (1) Robert LIUDAHL on 1 Jul 1955 in Lewiston, Idaho. The marriage ended in divorce. Robert was born 24 Oct 1932 in Maddock, North Dakota.
Greta also married (2) Robert HORTON on 4 Aug 1976 in Lewiston, Idaho. Robert was born 5 Apr 1928 in Medford, Oregon. He died 21 Jan 1997 in Bonanza, Oregon.
Robert Horton was a rancher and real estate broker, Horton Ranch Realty.
Sylvia worked for as a secretary at city hall in North Sacramento in the 1960s. She enrolled at St. Martin's College in 1969 and obtained a B.A. degree in business administration in 1973. She got her Certified Public Accountant license in August 1975. In 1976 she was working as a CPA for an accounting firm in Olympia, Washington and about 1980-1981 she was made a partner in the firm.
Sylvia married (1) Maser BROWN before 1957. The marriage ended in divorce.
Sylvia also married (2) Darrell RUSSELL on 12 Jun 1965 in Ephrata, Washington. Darrell was born 11 Nov 1936 in Spokane, Washington.
Darrel obtained a B.A. degree in business administration at Washington State University in 1964 and got his Certified Public Accountant certificate in 1968. He has been a deputy State Auditor and was head of the accounting division of Municipal Corporations, headquartered in Olympia, Washington.
Sylvia and Darrell are active in the Democratic Party of Washington.
They have two children.
graduated from high school in Ephrata, Washington in 1961.
He then spent three years in the U.S. Army, after which
he attended Big Bend Community College. In 1966 he was commissioned
as a trooper in the Washington State Patrol. In 1976 he
was a full time instructor at the Washington State Patrol
Academy. His specialty was fatal crash investigation. In
1978 he was sent to Northwestern University near Chicago
for one year of advanced training and then promoted to Assistant
Commander of the Academy in Olympia, Washington. He retired
in 1996 and in July 1997 was appointed bailiff of the Washington
State Supreme Court.
Steven married Sandra Lynn WILEY "Sandi", daughter of Herschel Dwight WILEY and Cornelia SCHEFFER, on 13 Feb 1965 in Sumas, Washington. Sandi was born 16 Apr 1944 in Sumas, Washington.
They have two children.
spent his early childhood in Asotin, Washington. The family moved to
the Arena Valley in 1925. In 1933 he and his wife Ruth moved to Caldwell,
Idaho. Ralph worked with the John Deere Dealers of Caldwell until his
retirement in 1976. He was a member of the B.P.O.E., No 1448, Caldwell.
April 28, 1933 Lefty caught a record sturgeon in the Snake River, Arena
Valley. It was 9' 3" long and weighed 340 pounds. Son Loyd remembers
a story that the only place large enough to store the fish was his father's
(Louis's) ice house. When Lefty went back a week later to cut up the
fish most of it was already gone. Louis had been giving out pieces of
the sturgeon to all his friends.
His son Wayne remembers that when Lefty was a young man
he traveled to California to work on a rice farm with his cousin. While
out hunting one day Lefty was over a rise when his cousin fired a shot
that accidentally hit Lefty in the right thigh. It exited the right
leg and the bullet lodged in Lefty's left thigh. Son Loyd remembers
the story differently; that Lefty's cousin was firing over the rice
fields to scare off some birds and Lefty was out where no one was expected
to be. In any case, no one is sure who the "cousin" was.
Lefty married Ruth Delphia BASEY, daughter of Clayton Henry BASEY and Clara NORWOOD, on 5 Oct 1932 in Vale, Oregon. Ruth was born 13 May 1913 in Ruskin, Nebraska. She died 18 May 2001 in Caldwell, Idaho and was buried 23 May 2001 in Caldwell.
They had three children:

Loyd attended Caldwell schools and graduated from Caldwell High School in 1955. He attended College of Idaho before enlisting in the Idaho 116th Quartermaster National Guard. In January, 1957 he transferred military affiliation to the United States Navy, graduating from basic training and Engineman's School with honors. He was assigned active duty and stationed on the USS Kearsarge out of Long Beach, California. He was honorably discharged in January, 1961.
He was employed by many companies over the years, mostly in the heavy duty trucking business: International Harvester Company, Custom Fabricating Company, Garrett Freightlines, Dennis Dillon, Idaho Great Basin Trucks and Northwest Equipment Sales, retiring on 7 November 2012.
Loyd married Janis Marie SHEPHERD, daughter of Jason Ezra SHEPHERD and Lillian Beatrice FELTON, on 10 Jun 1961 in Caldwell, Idaho. Janis was born 2 Jun 1940 in Twin Falls, Idaho.
They had three children
grew up near the golf course in Caldwell and started playing
at the age of four. By the time she was nine she knew she
wanted to be a professional golfer.
Shirley is a professional golfer and competed for many years on the LPGA circuit and endorsed Sears lady's golf clubs.
helped design clubs for Sears Roebuck especially for women.
She still teaches golf in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
The photo to the left shows Shirley and her mother Ruth.
Wayne graduated from Caldwell High School in 1961 and was a class officer in 1959-1961. In high school he participated in baseball, football and was on the golf team as well as first chair, trombone, in the high school band. In 1962 he earned a diploma as US Army weapons specialist at Aberdeen, Maryland and in 1965 attended Boise Junior College. He studied computers at Hewlett Packard in Boise, earning a diploma in 1978 and in 1992 received a diploma in gun smithing at the North American School of firearms in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
From 1967 to 1990 Wayne was affiliated with the recreational and mobile home industry distributing trailer equipment throughout the Pacific Northwest and Canada. He was Idaho Division Manager for seven years headquartered in Seattle. From 1990 to 1994 he was an over-the-road driver of 18 wheel truck-trailer rigs and recently worked in construction and excavation for the building industry.
Wayne joined the Army in 1962 and was stationed in the United States and the Far East as a weapons specialist, receiving an honorable discharge in 1965. He is a life member of the National Rifle Association and has been a member of the BPOE Elks Lodge #1448 in Caldwell, Idaho since 1967 and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation since 1989. Wayne enjoys hunting and fishing and refurbishing antique tools, "experiencing as much of life as time and the Good Lord will allow."
Lawrence graduated from Ilo High School and attended Washington State College (now University) before farming with his father near Craigmont, Idaho.
Lawrence and Maxine lived on his father's farm until 1934 when they moved to Maxine's home place, the Hilliard farm, six miles west of Colton, Washington. Lawrence and Maxine farmed there until retiring in 1969 in Pullman, Washington.
was a member of the Pullman Presbyterian Church, the I.O.O.F. and Rebekah
Lodges, Colton Masonic Lodge, Order of Eastern Star and Johnson Grange.
Lawrence married (1) Maxine HILLIARD, daughter of Samuel HILLIARD and Laura REYNOLDS, on 5 Oct 1927 in Genesee, Idaho. Maxine was born 17 Aug 1903 in Colton, Washington. She died 17 Nov 1969 in Pullman, Washington and was buried 19 Nov 1969 in Colton.
Lawrence and Maxine were married at Genesee, Idaho because that is where the preacher lived.
Maxine lived at Craigmont, Idaho, from 1927 until the family moved to a farm near Colton, Washington. She was a member of the Pullman Presbyterian Church, Order of Eastern Star and Rebekah Lodge at Pullman, Johnson Grange, Johnson Booster Club and Union Flat Club.
They had two children:
Harold lived the first six years of his life on the farm homesteaded by his grandfather and grandmother, Rollie and Hulda (Englehorn) Mahon, near Craigmont, Idaho. He attended a one-room school house about two miles from where his family lived. In about 1934 or 35 the family moved to a farm six miles west of Colton, Washington, that had been homesteaded by his maternal grandfather, Sam Hilliard. Both Harold and his sister walked or sometimes rode an old white horse the one and a half miles to the Rolling Green School. The school was soon consolidated with the Colton School District and they were able to ride the bus to school. Harold reports, "What joy!" at no longer having to walk or ride horseback.
He graduated from Colton High School in 1947 and then worked on farms and as a bellhop at a hotel in Pullman, Washington. In the fall of 1948 he went to a small college in Nebraska. This lasted about two years until he found out he knew more than most of the teachers did.
Harold was drafted into the Army in 1952 and served for two years in the U.S. and Germany. Following military service he worked for Sears Roebuck and for a GMC truck dealer, later moving to Pullman, Washington, where he worked for International Harvester in the parts department. He worked for them also in Lewiston, Idaho, and then worked as a Fuller Brush salesman covering parts of Idaho, Washington and Montana. In 1964 the family moved to Clarkston, Washington and Harold worked for his father-in-law on a combination fruit orchard, hog operation and cattle pasture. In 1968 the Mahons moved to a farm south of Deary, Idaho, where they continued farming until 1993 when Harold "sort of" retired.
Hal married Iris Elizabeth BROWN, daughter of O. R. BROWN and Birdy DRAPER, on 15 Oct 1950 in Colfax, Washington. Iris was born 21 Oct 1929 in Spokane, Washington.
Ellen attended school at Colton, Washington, then moved to Spokane in 1947 to attend St. Luke's School of nursing. In school she played clarinet in the school band and was a member of F.H.A. While in nursing school she met and married Oscar, gave up nursing and raised four children. Ellen is a member of Eagles Lodge Aerie #2. They have a small cabin on Deer Lake where they spend most of their summers. Wintertime enjoyments are swimming and billiards at the Eagles Lodge.
Ellen married Oscar Allen DELBRIDGE, son of Oscar Horatio DELBRIDGE and Cassie Ann HARPER, on 15 Jul 1948 in Colton, Washington. Oscar was born 18 Oct 1927 in Menlo Park, California.
Allen grew up in Spokane and spent most of his life there. He was in the U.S. Marines for a short time near the end of World War II. He worked for Kaiser Aluminum at their Mead plant for 37 and a half years, retiring at age 55.
Lawrence also married (2) Astrid E. CRONHOLM, daughter of Nils CRONHOLM and Amanda PEARSON, on 12 May 1973 in Spokane, Washington. Astrid was born 19 Jan 1900 in Bjarnum, Sweden.
In 1968 Dean was operating a fruit farm in Santa Cruz, California. Dean was also a representative for Watkins Products in that territory.
Dean married Edna Matilda GOLDSBERRY in 1927 in Turlock, California. Edna was born 1901 in Nebraska. She died 20 Dec 1978 in Santa Cruz, California and was buried 22 Dec 1978 in Santa Cruz.
They had three children:
Leila married John WILKINSON.
Dorothy married (1) David TRACY. The marriage ended in divorce.
Dorothy also married (2) Dan HUGHEN.
Lee married (1) Carol FAUST on 29 Sep 1956. The marriage ended in divorce. Carol was born in Long Island, New York.
Lee also married (2) Mary Lin SHEHAN "Lin" on 17 Jun 1979 in Castro Valley, California. Lin was born 4 Feb 1935 in Berkely, California.
Guy operated a farm east of Lostine for many years and raised livestock along with farming. He was an ardent sportsman and enjoyed ocean fishing.
Guy married (1) Arilla Bernice DAVIS, daughter of Stephen Ira DAVIS and Margaret Janet BEECHER, on 20 Mar 1928 in Enterprise, Oregon. Arilla was born 2 Jul 1912 in Enterprise, Oregon. She died 3 Feb 1937 in La Grande, Oregon and was buried 14 Feb 1937 in Lostine, Oregon.
Arilla Bernice was a member of the Presbyterian church and an ardent worker in the church Sunday school and the Neighborhood club in which she held the office of secretary for many years.
They had three children:
Raymond died while in training in the U.S. Navy.
Bill married Ellen LaRue Nash PERRIN on 25 Oct 1954 in Walla Walla, Washington. Ellen was born 25 Sep 1935 in Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Joan married Melvin Malcolm LATHROP on 7 Jun 1950 in Asotin, Washington. Melvin was born 18 Jan 1929 in Wallowa, Oregon.
Guy also married (2) Hester Elizabeth DAVIS, Arilla’s sister, and daughter of Stephen Ira DAVIS and Margaret Janet BEECHER, on 10 Jun 1937 in Salem, Oregon. Hester was born 30 Jan 1917 in Enterprise, Oregon. She died 29 Aug 1979 in Portland, Oregon and was buried in Lostine, Oregon.
They had four children:
Doris married Billie Vernon PRINCE on 15 Aug 1955. Billie was born 20 May 1932.
Sandra married (1) Rashandra PRASAD. The marriage ended in divorce.
Sandra also married (2) Dick STITT in 1983. The marriage ended in divorce.
Sandra also married (3) Gordon BERGQUAM in 1986.
Ralph married Cheryl Suppa KOHL. The marriage ended in divorce.
Susan married Gerald SUTTERFIELD on 28 Aug 1975.
Esther graduated in nursing from Franklin Hospital in San Francisco in 1935. She worked at this profession only briefly.
Esther married Wayne Stanford HUME M.D., son of Wilbur HUME and Maude MCPHERSON, on 12 Jul 1936 in San Francisco, California. Wayne was born 12 Nov 1907 in Mason City, Nebraska. He died while on vacation 5 Aug 1973 in Oslo, Norway and was buried in Arlington, Virginia.
Wayne was a graduate of UCLA and the University of California Medical School at Berkeley. He practiced medicine for a time and retired as a colonel from the U.S. Army Medical Corps having served in World War II, Korea, Japan and Brazil. In Brazil he was with the Joint United States-Brazilian Commission and served as advisor to the Surgeon General of the Brazilian Army. He later served as Public Health Officer in Virginia. After retiring he and Esther lived in Walnut Creek, California.
They had three children:
Patricia graduated from the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond in June 1959 and received a Master of Science in Nursing degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in June 1963. She was in the U.S. Army Nurse Corps for a total of five years, serving in Vietnam for one year in 1966. She taught at Georgetown University in the Nursing School from January 1968 to June 1970. Most of her nursing career has been in public health in various capacities. Pat retired from full-time nursing in March 1995 and is currently working part-time as a nurse in a public elementary school in Washington, D.C.
Patricia married James Conrad FLANIGAN on 10 Dec 1977 in Portland, Oregon. James was born 20 Jan 1938 in Wallace, Idaho.
James graduated from the University of Idaho in June 1960 in journalism and worked in Washington, D.C., for the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA).
Merril graduated from William and Mary with a BS in physics and from Virginia Polytechnic Institute with MS and PhD degrees in statistics. He was a statistician at the former Rocky Flats weapons plant in Jefferson county, Colorado.
Merril married (1) Nancy Elizabeth JOHNSON on 12 Oct 1963 in Fort Monroe, Virginia. The marriage ended in divorce.
Merril also married (2) Toni MCAVOY in 1986 in Golden, Colorado. The marriage ended in divorce.
James graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point with a BS degree in Military Science in 1965 and later received his MS degree in mathematics from Virginia State College. He served in the U.S. Army for more than 20 years, including tours in Alaska, Germany and Vietnam. He retired from the army and is now a professor in mathematics at Lebanon Community College in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
James married Claudia Elaine BARCLAY on 19 Jun 1965. The marriage ended in divorce.
Louis was raised in the Vail of the Wallowa Mountains. In 1932 he attended Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis, graduating in 1936. Following college he was employed with Texaco. When WW II broke out he joined the army, becoming an ordinance 2nd Lieutenant. He served in the China India-Burma campaign on the famous Burma Road. Following the war he joined with his father-in-law in a small business in Portland, Oregon, his career for 40 years.
Louis became a 3rd degree Master Mason of Lostine Lodge #123 on 25 May 1940.
Louis married Jaqueline WOLFER, daughter of Merle John WOLFER and Agnes Estella BOSCH, on 14 Sep 1940 in Portland, Oregon. Jaqueline was born 2 Apr 1918 in Portland.
They had three children:
Douglas married Kathy SCANDIBER on 11 Apr 1991 in Dutchess County, New York. Kathy was born 5 Mar 1955 in Pottsville, Pennsylvania.
Steven married Vicky Lyn MCKEE on 29 Oct 1983.
Norman married Lisa SMITH on 20 Oct 1991 in Portland, Oregon.