Louis was christened "Ludwig" which he changed to Louis. He was a
millwright and was in St. Louis in 1873. The Weiermuellers had interests
there and he was working for them.
He came to Devils Lake, North Dakota (then Dakota Territory) in 1885, the same year the Great Northern Railroad was built to that point, where he and two brothers-in-law, Widmeier and Weihermueller, built the first flour mill in Devils Lake. A few years later the in-laws sold the mill and returned to Iowa. Louis stayed in North Dakota and took up farming on the homestead he had taken about three miles northwest of Churchs Ferry. The mill was destroyed by fire a few years after it was built.
A newspaper article from Devils Lake, 2 Sep 1885, tells of the construction work going on for the Widmeier & Weiermueller mill. The firm had just completed a dwelling house on their land, to be occupied by "Lewis" Engelhorn, a brother-in-law, "who arrived here last week. Mr. Engelhorn is a practical millwright and will reside here permanently, filling a position at the mill."
In 1887 he filed on a homestead in Irvine Township, Benson County, where he lived until his death. "He was one of the sturdy pioneers of this section of the state, passing through all the hardships of the early settler and was always counted among the faithful in bearing his share of the burdens." Louis was an avid sports fan, especially baseball. It was said by his nephew Mathias that "Uncle Louie had one of the best round-house curves" he had ever seen and should have been a ball player.
On March 7, 1899 Louis was granted patent on a 160 acre tree claim in addition to the original homestead.
In 1897, Louis was president of Irvine School District No. 1, Benson County. His brother Tom was treasurer. Among the 16 students that year were the following Engelhorns; Hulda, Paula, Carrie, Addie, Mae, and Rudolph. All but Hulda, who was Tom's daughter, were children of Louis.
Louis married Ida WEIERMUELLER "Eda", daughter of Ferdinand Karl
WEIHERMUELLER and Maria Johanne Zenkel HOHBERGER, on 20 Mar 1877 in
Allamakee County, Iowa. Eda was born 30 Aug 1854 in Schwartzwald,
Germany. She died 7 Mar 1928 in Churchs Ferry, North Dakota and was
buried 11 Mar 1928 in Churchs Ferry.
Ida was a step-daughter of Ferdinand and Maria (Zenkel) (Hohberger) Weihermueller. Maria Hohberger was a widow with two daughters, Mary and Ida, when she married Ferdinand. Ida's birthdate may have been as early as 1854. Her family owned a lace factory in Hamburg, Germany, according to grandson Paul Ellefson. According to her obituary, at the age of three her parents moved to Saxony, where she grew to womanhood, receiving her education and being confirmed in the Lutheran Church. The obituary also states that the family came to New York in 1874, landing there on Ida's 20th birthday.
Known by some in the family as "Eda", she got on the boat with the family as they were leaving for America. She had daughter Freada with her and wouldn't leave so they brought her along to America.
They had eight children:
Albin was known as "Sport". He thought of himself as
quite a baseball pitcher - the only one the Churchs Ferry
team had. In one game he could not put anyone out, dozens
of runs were scored against him and the game was finally
and mercifully called because of darkness. After that he
was forever known as "Sport." He was also a gambler and
occasional drinker. He was the source of resentment from
his sisters when he got the family homestead and then lost
it in a card game and was unable to continue to care for
their mother, Ida. Albin never married.
The farm in question was west ½ NW 1/4 section 14 and the east ½ section 15, Irvine Township, two miles northwest of the Tom Engelhorn estate farm. The Irvine Township plat also shows Albin and Theodor Hansen with joint ownership of the SW 1/4 section 15.
Albin was clerk on the first school board for Irvine School, Irvine Township, Benson County.
In 1920 Albin was farming in Benson county, North Dakota. His father and mother were living with him and Will Hillerman, his cousin once removed, was working for him. The 1920 census in Irvine township was enumerated by A.H. (Albin) Englehorn.
Albin died in Donnelly, Idaho at the home of his sister Mae (Mrs. Elmer C. Brown) where he had been living for 20 years since leaving the farm home in Irvine township. He was the last of the "Engelhorn boys" of Irvine township, North Dakota.
Paula came to Devils Lake, North Dakota with her parents
as a small child, later moving to Irvine Township. After
her marriage to Luther they moved to Chicago where they
built the Mt. Zion Lutheran Church. They also took part
in the building of a church at Fairmount, Missouri. Paula
often filled in as pastor at Fairmount. They left Fairmount
to serve the Rockport Langdon Church in Missouri where they
remained until Luther's death.
After Luther died Paula moved to Donnelly, Idaho where she made her home with her sister, Mae Brown.
Paula married Rev. Daniel Luther MCCONNELL, son of Chambers
Luther MCCONNELL and Harriet HAZLETT, on 8 Sep 1914 in Churchs
Ferry, North Dakota. Daniel was born 20 Dec 1884 in Yeagertown,
Pennsylvania. He died 14 Jun 1947 and was buried in
Churchs Ferry, North Dakota.
Rev. McConnell graduated from Wittenburg College in 1907 and from Theological Seminary, Springfield, Ohio in 1914. He then became pastor of Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, Chicago, Illinois, a church which he organized and developed. The McConnell and Engelhorn families were good friends and it was on trips to North Dakota to visit his parents that Luther and Paula met.
In 1925 Luther served as Superintendent of Missions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kansas Synod, for Kansas, Oklahoma and the west half of Missouri
In 1920 she was living with her sister-in-law, Paula,
(Mrs. D. L. McConnell) in Chicago. Mae was a teacher at
that time although the 1910 North Dakota census lists her
as a pharmacist. Nephew Paul Ellefson reports that Mae was
a chemist and worked for Swift and Company in Chicago and
later for a cosmetic company before she married Elmer Brown.
She developed a face cream for this company. Mae was one
of the first women chemists in the United States.
In 1922 she was assistant principal of schools at Esmond, North Dakota. In 1928 she was teaching in Roseberry, Idaho, not yet married at that time.
Mae married Elmer C. BROWN on 29 Jul 1928 in Spokane, Washington. Elmer died after 1979.
Rudolph died at age 12 as the result of an accidental
gun shot. Rudolph and another boy were hunting gophers when
he was shot in the abdomen. He was an unusually bright young
fellow and was a favorite among all who knew him.
Freda's birthdate and birth place are in question. We are unsure
if she was born in Germany or in America. Family members report she
was born in Germany in 1874, emigration apparently took place in 1874.
Perhaps they emigrated in 1875, but in the 1920 North Dakota census
her mother reported she emigrated in 1874. If the emigration occurred
in 1874, Freda was born in America, not Germany, if she was born in
March 1876 as reported in the 1910 North Dakota census.
Family legend says that when the family left Europe, her mother Ida came along and had Freada with her and would not stay behind.
Freada worked as a domestic in the home of Captain Atkins and married him after his first wife died.
Freada married Capt. Carroll Jones ATKINS "CJ", son of John Albro ATKINS and Abigail ROOD, on 24 Jun 1895 in Churchs Ferry, North Dakota. CJ was born 5 Nov 1837 in Waterbury Center, Vermont. He died 28 Jan 1917 in Cando, North Dakota and was buried in Cando.
Capt. C.J. Atkins left Vermont at the age of 17 for Missouri where he lived with an uncle. He was a pilot on a riverboat between St. Paul and New Orleans on the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. He was first married to Laura Sinclair Boals in St. Charles, Missouri, and fathered nine children with her. In 1884, Laura went to Dakota on a hunting trip and stopped to see friends in Cando, March 1885. They settled in Atkins Township, named for them.
Frances Julia, Freada
(Engelhorn), Caroll Arilla, and Laura Ida Atkins
They had four children:
Laura was a dwarf, highly intelligent and very talented, an accomplished pianist.
Laura married Fred VON ALMAN on 9 Sep 1946 in Bisbee, North Dakota. Fred died 10 Oct 1955 in Cando, North Dakota.
Anna was a very capable woman and besides her home work found time to assist in every good community undertaking, often going out of her way to perform acts of kindness for others. Her activities in social and home work made hundreds of friends. She was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, the Women's Foreign Missionary Society and the Order of Eastern Star.
Anna married Theodore HANSEN on 17 Apr 1899 in Irvine Twp, Benson County, North Dakota. Theodore was born 22 Feb 1861 in Skuldelov, Denmark. He died 7 Dec 1945 in Irvine Twp, Benson County, North Dakota and was buried 12 Dec 1945 in Churchs Ferry, North Dakota.
Theodore came to North Dakota in 1881 where he worked for a time as a foreman on the Great Northern Railway. When the railroad ran into financial difficulties near Churchs Ferry and was unable to meet the payroll and order supplies, Theodore quit and took a homestead in Irvine Township, Benson County, two miles west of the Tom Engelhorn farm. He also had a quarter section adjacent to C. Luther McConnell's 160 acres.
Back: Theodore, Gladys Paula, Anna Louise
Agnes Eda, Lynwood Theodore
They had four children:
Gladys was educated in the Churchs Ferry schools and later taught grades 5 - 8 at the Irvine School in the 1921 - 1922 school year. Among her 18 students was Grace Hillerman, one of the five who graduated from the eighth grade that term.
After moving to Hawaii and her marriage to Robert Faulkner, Gladys attended the University of Hawaii, graduating with a BA degree in education. She returned to the mainland to attend George Peabody College in Nashville, Tennessee, graduating in 1941 with a degree in Library Science. She was still in Tennessee at the time of Pearl Harbor, an anxious and difficult time to be separated. McKinley High School where she was librarian had bullet holes from the Japanese attack.
She began her teaching career in 1926 at Wailuku, Maui, then came to Kalakaua Intermediate School in Honolulu in 1930, working first as a teacher and later as librarian. Gladys was librarian at McKinley High School from 1942 until her retirement in 1961.
Gladys was a member of the First Methodist Church of Honolulu, the Hawaii Education Association, the National Librarian Association and the National Retired Teacher's Association.
The Faulkners were warm, gracious, generous and gentle people; quite meticulous and well-organized, but never critical of others. They counted among their many friends Mr. O.E. Long, former governor of Hawaii and his wife.
Gladys married Robert Mardis FAULKNER on 2 Aug 1922 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Robert was born 23 Jul 1893 in Coberg, Kentucky. He died 26 Nov 1990 in Honolulu.
Robert attended Valley City Normal School, Valley city, North Dakota, graduating in 1919. He was paid $130 per month in 1919-1920 as superintendent and teacher of grades 9 - 11 at the Irvine School, Benson County, North Dakota. In the 1920-1921 school year he was superintendent and a teacher of Latin and agriculture.
Bob went to Honolulu, Hawaii in 1922 and Gladys joined him there. He graduated from the University of Hawaii in 1942 and received his Master's degree there in 1944. After teaching in the Maui schools he was principal of a number of Oahu schools for many years. He was district superintendent of Honolulu schools from 1949 to 1958.
He was active in many educational and community affairs, including; Honolulu Academy of Arts Education Committee, Teacher Education Coordinating Committee, Oahu Committee on Children and Youth, Honolulu Lions Club, Hawaii Education Association and National Retired Teacher's Association. Robert Faulkner was recognized in "Men and Women of Hawaii", 1966.
Agnes taught school for a time at the Irvine School, Benson County, North Dakota. In 1922 - 1923 she taught primary grades. She later taught in Hibbing, Minnesota, "domestic science" - later to be called home economics. Agnes left Hibbing and moved to Hawaii to teach and there met Robert Scott, recently widowed. Agnes loved to walk and study the clouds and the stars at the farm in North Dakota.
Agnes married Robert Ray SCOTT about 1956 in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Robert was born 13 Apr 1891 in Diamond, Ohio. He died 10 Feb 1967 in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii and was buried 13 Feb 1967 in Honolulu.
Robert Ray Scott was a major in the US Army during World War II. He was a professor of education at the University of Hawaii and also worked with the Territorial Department of Public Welfare. At the time of his death he was chairman of the State Commission on Aging. He was president of the Hawaii State Retired Teacher's Association from 1963 to 1965.
Dr. Scott graduated from Rayen School, Youngstown, Ohio, 1910; Hiram Colllege, Ohio, 1914; Columbia University, MA, 1916; Ohio State University, PhD 1932. He continued his education throughout his life, obtaining degrees from universities and colleges in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and others. He was the author of some 30 articles on education, sociology and psychology. He received a certificate from the Philippine Department of Education for distinguished service to Hawaiian Filipinos in 1941.
Caroline, known as Carrie, came to North Dakota with her parents from St. Louis in 1885. She grew up on the homestead northwest of Churchs Ferry and attended the schools in and near Churchs Ferry and also the Agricultural College at Fargo (now North Dakota State.) In 1914 the Andersons moved to Powers Lake, North Dakota where they resided until her death in 1942.
Carrie was very musical and had a beautiful singing voice. She was remembered for the many beautiful traits of her character, high ideals and active life, always ready to lend a helping hand for any good cause. She was a member of the Methodist Church, Ladies Aid, Civic Club, Homemakers Club, P.T.A., Eastern Star, W.C.T.U and Royal Neighbors and Community Club. She taught Sunday School at her church for many years and served as superintendent for about 20 years in Powers Lake, North Dakota.
Carrie married Albert E. ANDERSON on 8 Jul 1908 in Churchs Ferry, North Dakota. Albert was born 18 Nov 1876. He died 8 Mar 1944 in Portland, Oregon and was buried in Churchs Ferry, North Dakota.
Albert was known as A.E. He worked for the Great Northern Railroad out of Churchs Ferry and Powers Lake, North Dakota. Sometime after Carrie died he suffered a stroke, retired from the railroad and moved to Portland to live with his daughter Eileen and her husband.
They had two children:
Adeline was one of the first white children born at Devils Lake,
North Dakota. She started teaching school at the age of 16. Adeline
graduated from Mayville Normal School and later became Benson County
Superintendent of Schools, a job she held for six years after 16 years
of teaching in various North Dakota schools. Following Ole's death she
returned to teaching and continued her career until about age 75.
Addie married Ole ELLEFSON on 14 Jul 1921 in Minnewaukan, North Dakota. Ole was born 10 Apr 1888 in Stavanger, Norway. He died 10 May 1941 in Minnewaukan, North Dakota and was buried in Minnewaukan.
Ole Ellefson emigrated from Stavanger, Norway, and arrived in the United States on his 16th birthday in 1904. As a young man he worked in the lumber camps around Bemidji, Minnesota during the winters and did farm work in the summers to earn money for law school. Ole attended law school at the University of North Dakota and received an L.L.B. degree in 1916 and was admitted to North Dakota legal practice the same year. He was appointed North Dakota State's Attorney for Benson County in 1935 and served in that office until his death in 1941.
They had two adopted children:
Frances married (1) Richard GALLOWAY on 24 Dec 1920 in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas.
They had one child:
Frances also married (2) J. Arthur MADDEN on 13 Dec 1949 in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Babe married John RENAUD.
They had one child:
Lynwood was born on the family farm in Irvine Township and attended Irvine Consolidated School and Leeds High School. He was quite athletic and a star catcher on the baseball team as well as excelling at track. Following high school he attended the University of North Dakota for three years, majoring in engineering. While at university he played trumpet in the marching band, was in ROTC and a member of Pi Rho Chi fraternity. He met and married Margaret while in school and dropped out to return to operate the family farm during the depression.
Lynwood farmed at home with his parents during the dust bowl years. Times were difficult and entertainment was fishing, gardening and shooting jack rabbits. In about 1940, Lynwood decided to expand by buying the neighbor's farm. He put lights on the tractors so he could work day and night and do without extra machinery. His father thought he was crazy to expand at that time. However, the crops got better as the drought came to an end, prices went up and he was able to save the farm.
Lynwood lost part of his right hand in a corn picker accident in 1943. His main concern, however, was that he might not be able to shoot anymore. One week after he got out of basic recovery he shot a pheasant with his first shot, left-handed.
He continued to work to overcome his handicap, taking on new challenges such as welding, trapshooting, and golf. He was an active Mason and Shriner. He became an active trap shooter at local and state-wide meets and also in Tucson where he and Margaret spent their winters after he retired from farming in 1962. He was a longtime member of the Zion Lutheran Church and former clerk for Irvine Township. He was an honorary member of Welcome Masonic Lodge No. 54 of Churchs Ferry and also a member of the Kem Temple Shrine at Grand Forks, a member of Devils Lake Elks Lodge and the Trapshooting Club at Devils Lake. He was a member of Ducks Unlimited and the National Rifle Association. He was state handicapped champion trapshooter in 1964 and 1969 and in 1966 he was awarded the traveling trophy for "North Dakota Sportsman of the Year."
Lynwood married Margaret Sylvia OVERLAND on 6 Jun 1929 in Churchs Ferry, North Dakota. Margaret was born 9 Dec 1907 in Churchs Ferry, North Dakota. She died 28 Jul 2002.
Margaret was born in rural Benson county, North Dakota. She was a school teacher and was a gifted painter. She was a hard worker and did her share in the operation of the farm, as all farm wives had to do, by sewing, baking, cleaning, painting and some of the farm book work. She was an active member of Eastern Star, Rose Chapter #58, and was active in the Zion Lutheran church of Churchs Ferry.
They had two children:
Richard was born on the family farm near Leeds. He graduated from Leeds High School in 1948 and attended the University of North Dakota, 1948-1950 and 1955-1957, earning his BSc in Electrical Engineering in June 1957. He was employed by Sperry Corp (later Unisys) from 1957 to 1989 and worked for them in St. Paul, Minnesota; San Diego, California; Salt Lake City, Utah; and London, England. Major projects he has worked on include programming for the Navy Tactical Data System, management of Navy Digital Systems, and managing the proposal and development of the FAA Automated Radar Terminal System for the top 68 United States airports.
From 1989 until retirement in 1995, Dick owned and operated a tool distribution business with Karen.
Richard obtained his private pilot's license in October 1947 which he has kept current to date. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 1950 - 1954 as an airborne radar technician with the rank of staff sergeant. He is an active member of the Lutheran Church. He is a member of the Redmond City Park board, old car club and several flying clubs. Richard enjoys flying, old car restoration, skiing, wood working, model building, hunting, camping and travel.
Richard married Karen HENDRIE, daughter of George D. HENDRIE and Selma NESHIEM, on 27 Dec 1955 in Leeds, North Dakota. Karen was born 6 Jul 1935 in Leeds, North Dakota.
Karen has degrees in Business and Home Economics and has worked at the Better Business Bureau as a consumer consultant. Karen is a gifted seamstress and knitter and has mastered the Norwegian art of Hardanger. She is a member and active in the Lutheran church, Lutheran Brotherhood, American Association of University Women and enjoys league bowling.
Marilyn was born on the family farm in rural Benson County. She graduated from Leeds High School in 1952, and then attended the University of North Dakota for two years, 1952-1954. She worked as a card designer for Hallmark Greeting Card Company for six years in Kansas City. She founded the Academy of Applied Arts in Kansas City and the Heritage Fine Art Guild in Denver. She teaches art to students of all ages in all art media.
Marilyn and her husband are co-owners of Maddux's Frontier Gallery in Denver, dealers in paintings, watercolors, limited edition prints, antiques, old guns, bronzes and Indian artifacts.
Marilyn married John N. MADDUX, son of Sylvester MADDUX and Mildred Louise BROWN, on 27 Jun 1959 in Churchs Ferry, North Dakota. John was born 19 Jun 1934 in Wenatchee, Washington.
John attended a number of schools in various locations and finished high school in Kansas City, Missouri. He earned a B.A. in Business in 1956 from the University of Kanas and attended Cornell University for one year. He was a marketing manager for Mobil Oil for several years and then he joined Sam Gary Oil as an Energy Marketing Manager. Later he was a partner and manager for Tomahawk Truck Stops for five years.
John is past president of the Missouri Arms Association in Kansas City and is board member of the National Collector Arms Association. He owns and operates Maddux's Frontier Gallery in Denver.
Hans married (1) Eileen B. HANSON on 18 Oct 1930. Eileen was born 15 Jan 1911 in Churchs Ferry, North Dakota. She died 11 Jan 1956 in Churchs Ferry.
Eileen graduated from Churchs Ferry High School. She lived all her life on a farm in Irvine Township. She was a member of Zion Lutheran Church and its Ladies Aid and a member of Rose Chapter No. 58, Order of Eastern Star.
They had one child:
Janis attended the Irvine School and Churchs Ferry High School, graduating in 1949. She also attended the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks.
Janis married Ronald HAUSMANN, son of Robert HAUSMANN and Lila JOHNSON, on 14 Sep 1954 in Churchs Ferry, North Dakota. Ronald was born 5 Nov 1930 in Duluth, Minnesota.
Ronald and Janice Hansen are distant cousins, fourth generation, once removed.
Ron graduated from Churchs Ferry High School in 1944. He served in the U.S. Air force from January 1951 to December 1954 in Korea. Since then he has been farming the original John M. Thomson and Will Hausmann farms just west of Churchs Ferry in Irvine and Normania Townships, Benson County, North Dakota.
Hans also married (2) Liela M. Lotvedt CHALMERS. The marriage ended in divorce.
Hans also married (3) Enid SLETTEN on 7 Jul 1970.
Eileen married Theodore PORTOUW "Ted" on 30 Jun 1942 in Portland, Oregon. Ted was born 23 Oct 1903 in Oklahoma. He died 11 Feb 1989 in St. George, Utah.
They had one child:
James is the out of wedlock son of Eileen's - all hush hush at the time - raised by his grandmother Carrie. Eileen was living in Minneapolis at the time. James lived in a Fargo, North Dakota, children's home for four years and then was taken to raise by Carrie and Albert. Eileen's sister Bea never knew the story until after she was married. She was told at the time that Jim was an orphan and since Albert and Carrie had always wanted a boy "they adopted him." It is not known now who his father was.
James married (1) Janet JOLLEY on 23 Jan 1955. The marriage ended in divorce. Janet was born 22 Sep 1934.
James also married (2) Mary GALLAGHER on 7 Jul 1970. Mary was born 21 Dec 1942.
Beatrice (Bea) was born in Wildrose, seven miles down the Great Northern line because Powers Lake did not have a doctor at the time.
Bea graduated from Jamestown College in 1943 with the highest grade point average in 40 years. She taught school at Mid Pacific Institute High School in Honolulu during World War II. After the war she taught grade school in Garden City, Michigan for over 20 years. In 1981 she was named teacher of the year in Garden City. Beatrice and Bob lived in Redford, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit.
Bea had a son with (1) Willard MONNES. Willard was born 1916 in Powers Lake, North Dakota.
Willard was born about 1916, graduated from Minot, North Dakota, High School in 1934. He was a star guard on the basketball team. During part of WW II he was a lieutenant in the army air force stationed at Hickam Air Base, Honolulu, where he was a flight instructor.
They had one child:

Fred is the out of wedlock son of Beatrice Anderson and Willard Monnes, adopted by a family named Lunt. He attended Punahou School, class of 1964. He attended the University of Southern California and graduated in 1969. He lived in Nanukuli until hurricane Ewa destroyed the house. Fred was a real estate broker with Coldwell Banker in Honolulu, eventually becoming a Vice President there. He also played steel guitar as a member of the jazz band"The Hula Blues Band" that toured with Taj Mahal. Read Fred's story of his search for his biological parents.
Fred was married to Alice and they had two daughters, Ginger and Jessica.
Bea married (2) Robert Christy SALISBURY "Bob", son of Bert Marl SALISBURY and Avis Eleanor CHRISTY, on 10 Aug 1946 in Jamestown, North Dakota. Bob was born 1 Oct 1920 in Devils Lake, North Dakota.
They had three children:
Bette married Gary SLOWINSKI on 21 Jul 1975.
Douglas married Debra ZENO on 7 Mar 1993.
Kenneth married Katharine WICKERSHAM on 30 Aug 1986.
Donald grew up in Minnewaukon, North Dakota and graduated from Minnewaukon High School in 1941. In January, 1942 he enlisted in the U.S. Army Medical Corps and served one year in the U.S., two years in England - Branch 92nd Bomb Group. He served another year in France and Germany - Branch 733 Field Artillery as an ambulance driver. He was discharged in 1946.
Following military service, Don attended college at Wahpeton State School of Science where he learned the printing business, graduating in 1946. He worked for the “Benson County Farmers Press” in Minnewaukon and the “Devils Lake World” in Devils Lake. He also worked for Pierce Printing Co. in Fargo. He retired in 1985.
Donald married (1) Alvina FLEMMING on 18 Mar 1948. The marriage ended in divorce.
Donald also married (2) Lorna JOHANSEN, daughter of Hans JOHANSON and Petra JOHANSON, on 1 Oct 1953 in Devils Lake, North Dakota. Lorna was born 25 Apr 1925 in Rugby, North Dakota.
They had two children:
Cyntha married Michael GRUND on 6 Dec 1980. Michael was born 13 Dec 1955.
Paul graduated from Devils Lake High School in 1945. He was an honor student and among the five highest ever graduated from Devils Lake school. Following high school he served in the U.S. Army with the Adjutant General Staff and was present at the Nuremburg Nazi War Crimes Trials in 1946.
After military service he attended the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, North Dakota, graduating in 1951. He received his Masters degree in Education from Northern State College, Aberdeen, South Dakota in 1955.
Paul worked for 24 years for Harper and Row publishers in their education department.
Paul married (1) Jacqueline Olivia SCHMID, daughter of Edward J. SCHMID and Bertha BECK, on 4 Feb 1951 in Minnewaukan, North Dakota. The marriage ended in divorce. Jacqueline was born 16 Sep 1930 in Minnewaukan, North Dakota.
Jackie attended Minnewaukan High School and graduated in 1948. She was an editor of the school paper and active in her church, playing the organ for several years. Jackie graduated from Northern State College in 1952 and worked as a church financial secretary in Edina, Minnesota for 19 years. Jackie earned a Life Master in duplicate bridge in 1984.
They had two children:
Jeffrey married Gwen LANTTO.
Sonia married Timothy ANDERSON.
Paul also married (2) Lynette WICHMAN.