Johannes (John) farmed on Lansing Ridge until 1888 when he moved with his family to Alliance, Nebraska, where he took a homestead.
From "The Lansing Mirror" newspaper:
- 26 August, 1874: John S. Engelhorn who lives a few miles west of Lansing was kicked by a horse - he lost several teeth.
- 5 September, 1879: John S. Engelhorn was an inquest juror at a murder hearing when a Frederick Reiser murdered a hired hand.
- 25 May, 1888: J.S. Engelhorn and family left for Box Butte county, Nebraska May 14 where they intend to locate.
- 8 June, 1888: J.S. Engelhorn arrived at his destination in Box Butte county, Nebraska on May 18. He bought 160 acres for $300. "No stumps to dig, no roads to work, no wood to chop. Water is good and game plentiful."
John's homestead was about seven miles west of Alliance and at the
time of his death he had amassed a considerable fortune, owning about
800 acres.
On the day he died, John had been missing from the house since about noon. He failed to answer a call for dinner and during the afternoon a search for him was started. He was in the habit of visiting the neighbors and of walking about the fields looking over the crops, but telephone calls to the neighbors failed to locate him. His body was found in a small lake on the farm about a half mile from the house about seven o'clock by members of the family. It was thought that while undressing for a swim he may have suffered heart failure or a stroke and fallen into the water and drowned.
The 1885 Iowa census lists a boy named Albert Beninger with Johannes' family. This boy's mother died leaving a large family and the father gave his children to different families to take care of them. Albert lived with Johannes until they moved to Nebraska in 1888.
Johannes married Ambjor LARSON "Emma” or “Emily", daughter of Ole LARSON and Anne STENERSON, on 1 Jul 1874 in Waterville, Iowa. Emma was born 21 Apr 1853 in harper Ferry Allamakee County, Iowa. She died 18 Mar 1913 in Alliance, Nebraska and was buried 22 Mar 1913 in Alliance.
Emma was one of a family of eleven children. Her older sister, Elizabeth, married Georg Julius Engelhorn in the Mathias Line.
Emma taught school before she married Johannes. She was active in the social affairs of her community and was one of the most unselfish and loyal friends they could have known. They had six children:
Hattie attended primary and secondary schools in Alliance, Nebraska. She was working as a stenographer in 1906 for a law and abstract office at Imperial, Nebraska.
Hattie was enumerated in the 1920 census as a widow, living with her brother Elmer in Box Butte County, Nebraska. Elmer said that Hattie had been married to a Mr. DeVeney and that she had lived most of her life in Seattle.
Hattie married C. O. DEVENEY. No more is known.
Otto left home in Nebraska about 1900 and efforts by his parents to trace him failed. A notice in the "Alliance Semi-Weekly Times" of 6 Feb, 1906 reported receiving the news by telegram that, "The remains of Otto Engelhorn have been recovered from the vessel, Valencia, which was lost 23 Jan. on the coast of Vancouver Island, about 100 perishing after great hardship." (The Alliance Semi-Weekly Times reported on 9 February, 1906, that 129 people were lost in the Valencia wreck.)
“He was the son of Mr. & Mrs. John Engelhorn, pioneer family & respectful residents of the county who live about 6 mi. west of Alliance. Trunk and papers are to be shipped to the family." The ship was bound from Seattle to San Francisco. Otto did not marry.
After Odie died she returned to Alliance, Nebraska, to live with her brother, Elmer. She was a resident of the Good Samaritan Nursing Home since 1969. She was a member of the United Methodist Church and Order of Eastern Star.
An editorial in the Alliance "Times-Herald" newspaper commented that the "death of Minnie Scofield at 107 ended a record for longevity here — oh what experiences she had and what changes she saw. We've had, and have many in Alliance living well into their 90s, and a few make it to 100." Minnie lived 107 years, five months, and 25 days.
Minnie married Odie Israel SCOFIELD, son of Charles Gilbert SCOFIELD and Alamanda EVANS, on 29 Jun 1898 in Alliance, Nebraska. Odie was born 3 Mar 1870 in Logan, Iowa. He died 23 May 1957 in Tarpon Springs, Florida.
Odie worked laying steel on the Western Pacific RR early in his life and was a conductor on this line for most of his life. He and Minnnie lived in Salt Lake City until he retired to Tarpon Springs, Florida.
They had one child:
Elmer graduated from high school in Alliance, Nebraska, and played on the high school football team in 1902. He sold tickets in a railroad office for a few years, then from 1906 to 1918 he worked in construction on the Great Northern RR as an engineer in charge of construction. He was in Great Falls, Montana in 1913. Later he worked in the Great Northern engineering department in Seattle. He also lived for a time in Williston, North Dakota; however, for most of his life he farmed and ranched near Alliance, Nebraska.
Elmer was the last charter member of the Alliance Kiwanis club. He was also a member of the Scottish Rite Masons and a past master of the Alliance Blue Lodge.
Elmer married Lenna BAYSE on 15 Aug 1922 in Alliance, Nebraska. Lenna was born 14 Aug 1889 in Sheridan County, Nebraska. She died 21 Mar 1960 in Norfolk, Nebraska and was buried 24 Mar 1960 in Alliance, Nebraska.
Lenna was born on a farm 15 miles northeast of Alliance, Nebraska, in Sheridan County. She lived all her life in the Alliance area and was a member of the Methodist Church for over 50 years. She was also a member of the Women's Society of Christian Service and a past matron of Eastern Star.
They had one child:
Eldon was a Chevrolet dealer in Tarpon Springs, Florida.
Eldon married Hazel Margaret SCOTT on 14 Nov 1923 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Hazel was born 11 Mar 1900.
They had one child: